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—  laser  —


Laser Hair Removal 

laser hair removal is targeted to remove unwanted hair for both men and women. A concentrated beam of light is directed and gets absorbed by the pigment in the hair itself. The heat from the laser penetrates down to the root, which in turn, dramatically reduces the hair from any further growth. This method of hair removal is the only proven cure for ingrown hair and razor bumps. Laser hair removal will leave your skin feeling smoother, looking younger, and most importantly, hair free!

care instructions


Laser Hair Removal Contraindications

It is not recommended to receive treatments if you are pregnant 

● Skin disease, skin cancer, or a history of skin cancer or any other type of cancer

● If client suffers from bad scars, collagen disorder or keloid formation 

● Varicose veins or vascular ectasia. 

●Skin sensitive to light and sensitive to allergic reactions. 

● Infections,eczema, burns, inflamed follicles, wounds, abrasions, or bruises in the areas that are going to be treated 

● Epilepsy with sensitivity to blinking light 

● Any blood disorder