The Night Before Your Tan
Shave or wax your legs the night before your tan
Exfoliate thoroughly. This will remove dead skin and provide a new, smooth surface for your tan. It will also promote even coverage and lengthen the duration of the tan
Moisturize well before bed
REFRAIN FROM THE USE OF DOVE PRODUCTS! Dove soap and Dove lotions leave a film on your skin that directly leads to a blotchy tan
The Day of Your Tan
Remove make-up, moisturizer, perfume and deodorant before your application
We recommend you wear dark, loose fitting clothes and flip flops. Avoid boots.
After Your Tan
Let your tan set for at least 8 hours (overnight if possible) before showering. This allows your tan to develop to its full potential. The longer it is left on the darker it will develop.
Avoid wearing socks or shoes after your tanning session in order to allow the tan to develop properly on your feet
Avoid moisturizers or deodorants while tan is developing.
Avoid wearing tight clothing for at least 5 hours. This includes tight fitting jeans, bras, spandex, tight blouses and shoes/socks
All swimming, showering and vigorous exercise must be avoided for at least 5 hours, as sweating can inhibit the development of your tan
Do not shave for 12 hours after your treatment
Do not wear long boots after tanning as these can make your tan patchy